An enticing and provocative idea, directing and placing the responsibility at the source.
It's apparently obvious from day one the WTS knew of the legal open door that the American government left open for them, a true opportunist dream if there ever was one
A other way to look at the situation could be this, what if a religious group proclaimed in one of their doctrines that no medical assistance or endeavor should take place in looking after one
of their followers in case of severe illness and this policy was to cause the unfortunate deaths of some their followers. What do you suppose the government would do if it was found out that
hundreds of people, adults and children were prematurely dying due to this religious practice. Would the government step in and take legal action for putting the health and
welfare of people in jeopardy or would they just shake their heads cross their arms and say well thats just freedom of religion. Personally I think any organization or group that has the
given freedom provided by the government to operate and function should be held responsible for the health and welfare of the people that join and participate with the organization.
If the organizers of the group give out instructions to it's participants that causes personal injury to the people involved, shouldn't the leaders of that group be held libel for their actions ?
Where the matter gets gray is, does a select religious group have more power over and above the government and who should be held responsible if any toward the health and welfare
of the people involved. Since the WTS are using a strong policy of fear and coercion to draw people toward them with the intent to exploit and manipulate as many as possible,
wouldn't be important to watch cults like this. I think the government has the legal right and responsibility to protect the citizens that it governs over and not succumb to the willful desires
of a small group no matter what form those individual desires may be and in this case it's obviously power.